Our Guide to Surviving Music Festival Port-O-Potties
Okay people, we all know Port-O-Potties are the worst part of the festival. But don't let them taint your experience with their grossness! Here are some easy tips to make your festival bathroom experiences a breeze!
Come Prepared
Firstly, plan ahead. When you are going to a multi-day music festival with 100,000 attendees, supplies will run out. Toilet paper, hand sanitizer, soap, water, and hand towels get used up within the first few hours of a music festival. Generally you can bring in your own sealed hand sanitizer, wipes, and tissues. If the festival is at night, like EDC in Las Vegas, the Port-o-Potties do not have lights inside of them. I always bring a light up bracelet or other accessory to help you see!
...But the smell
During the summer especially, it can get pretty rank. The best way to avoid getting blasted with the stank is to wear a face mask! Choose from bandanas, buffs, and the traditional medical-style facemasks. Some people even put a few drops of essential oils on theirs so they can smell lavender mint instead of....that smell. Here are some cute ones:
How to Find a Clean Potty
Usually the potties are set up in large "neighborhoods" at large festivals. Crowds gathered near the front ones which generally have a lot of emergency...explosions inside of them. Meaning, they nasty! Go as faarrr to the back of the potties aisles as you can to find a cleaner option. Sometimes you can spot a heroic soul cleaning out potties and you can go in after they are done.
How do I pee in my outfit though?
This question is specifically for the ladies. We show up to music festivals in our cute outfits without considering how difficult the bathroom situation will be. Oh, the hovering. I used to awkwardly hover over the toilet, head nearly resting on the port-o-potty door while I tried not to pee on my legs. Until I found the PStyle - I am obsessed with this product. You can leave the bodysuit on, yank it to the side and use this product to pee into the urinal! Its actually kind of fun!
Safety Tips
People often forget to lock theport-o-potty doors. Knock first before you barge into a potty. I always use the buddy system, wether it is going with my boyfriend or my rave gals. We switch off holding each others stuff and using the same potty. We always assign a specific meeting spot outside the bathrooms for the rest of the group. That way your group can quickly reassemble and move on to the next set. There is nothing worse than a 30 minute wait at the stinky potties if someone gets lost!